Works of 2011 year
Playground Equipment
Playground Equipment is a retailer of playground facilities for children of different kinds. Web design. E-commerce development.
Lanier Upshaw
Lanier Upshaw is an insurance agency focused on solving complex business problems. Web design. HTML 5 front end. Web development, WordPress framework.
S&A Kimball
S&A Kimball is a specialist consultancy located in St. Petersburg, Russia. Logo design. Business card design. Letterhead. Web page design. XHTML/CSS/jQuery coding. Laying out all the content page.
MySmallBiz provide a range of interesting information for start ups. New logo design. Print and web versions development. Visual design. XHTML/CSS/jQuery coding. WordPress theme development. Content uploading. Server installation and launching. The Design is in the our museum.
Santafetex is a fashion clothing manufacture and retailer from Germany. Web design. HTML/CSS clising. CMS development, php framework. Original maintenance.
Aladin is a magazine devoted to antiques and art collections. PHP development. E-commerce development.
Equestreimmo is a property agency specializing in stabling property. PHP development. Joomla framework.
The social network has “idea exchange” as a foundation concept. PHP development. Joomla framework.
Conferencely is a company dedicated to organizing and holding conferences, business seminars, etc. Concept. Logo development. Id’s creating. Web pages design. XHTML/CSS/Ajax/jQuery coding. Design implementation into .net application. The Design is in the our museum. I-phone screens design. Preparing images for implementation.
A client came to us with already existing logo and corporate identity and the concept of the site. We all realize. Visual design and concept development. XHTML/CSS/Ajax/jQuery coding. Joomla 1.6 coding.
Chateau Dalem
A website for a wine maker. Development of a custom CMS. ActionScript programing.
Integral Music
Integral Music is an e-commerce web portal developed to sell music of different ganres and promote recording labels. Web building. E-commerce tools development.
Hobby Helper
The site was built to give people an online resource to help find a hobby. Visual design. XHTML/CSS/ coding. WordPress theme and development.