“In Job” russian web marketing project
In Job International Company
The web-site address – www.injob.com
In Job is an international recruitment company which provides professional staffing services and skilled recruitment for permanent and temporary positions in international companies.The headquarters of the company is based in Verona (Italy), but its branches are scattered all over the world, including the USA, Russia, Asian and European countries. In Job do their utmost to think global, but act local.

The starting point for our project was the following. In Job’s footprint in the Russian market could have been rated as rather conventional. The texts at the adapted web site version were not really ‘selling’. The company’s market presence at the national social networks (e.g. VKontakte) and it had got no Russian-language posts in professional networks either (such as LinkedIn).
The project goal was to make the In Job brand more recognizable among the large-scale companies, which needed skilled professionals. The last but not the least was to target young and talented candidates eager to be recruited in the international scope. Finally, it was of vital importance for In Job to create the outlook of an upmarket recruitment agency equally successful in different international job markets.
To achieve the goal we planned to take the following steps:
- Strategic planning (including competitive market and outbound content analysis, editorial post instructions for social networks, the ideal form to write unique articles at the company’s site).
- The publication of new ‘selling’ texts for the Russian version of the web site.
- The publication of monthly interviews with In Job employees and top management.
- The creation and daily management of the VKontakte community.
- The Russian-language post creation in LinkedIn network.
From any angle In Job makes an impression of top professionals, real gurus of recruitment who posses in-depth knowledge of the cultures and traditions in different countries. They are ‘sensed’ as a multicultural, dynamic and vibrant organisation who are really helping both single candidates and large corporations achieve their goals.
The In Job web site has got a perfectly adapted Russian-language version with the perfectly outlined company’s status and literally intuitive guidance across the sections.
DesignRussia had created the VKontakte community page, but we stopped managing it by the end of the contract and the group is not being managed.
The interviews with In Job representatives were published. The links you may find here.
Before we started this project we had spent a lot of time working out our client’s strategy of communication with the audience.Our client is the company with quite a clear message and precisely stated goals, so the general discussion of the global strategic issues was completed in less than a week. Taking into account the scope of the project we consider this timeline a good sign of our effective teamwork with the client.
Then we analyzed In Job’s competitors, performed the SWOT analysis of the company itself and examined those factors which were important for the expansion of the Russian web site version.
We had been engaged in the project as experts. Hence we didn’t hesitate to be proactive and voiced our well-reasoned opinion on the form and the subject matter of the content (such as the interviews and the posts in the social networks).
We singled out the form of the interviews with the experts due to several reasons. Firstly, interviews provide the first-hand opinion which is vivid and real, and it is based on the personal experience of the people who have been recruitment experts for years. Secondly, this content is unique: these are not some pieces of rewritten articles, borrowed from different sources and put together. Thirdly, we did our best to state the questions which would be up-to-date and appealing to the candidates and thus of real value.
Besides, at the starting point of the project we accomplished a detailed daily plan of the posts publications for each social network (VKontakte, LinkedIn) separately. We had to bear in mind that the intended audience of the social media had certain peculiarities. We actually did a lot of things, including the fee-based promotion, spam-filter adjustment and communication with the audience. We prepared visual materials, created the opinion polls and wrote the short notes on the hot topics of job search.
We had been testing the Russian version for a month and then reviewed the strategy by discussing the possible changes and ways of development with In Job chief executives.
We organized monthly meetings via Skype, where we analyzed what had been done and provided reports on the project progress.
We were always ready to get in touch with the client and discuss some fresh ideas. We were sensitive to any desirable changes and attentive to the basic details of the brand image.

Development team
Alex Shalyonny – senior project manager.
Dana Shakshina – copywriter, editor, project manager.
Alina Dyachenko – PR manager, the social networks
and the web site audience monitor.
Yuriy Davydov – CEO, legal support.
You can meet us at our site.